The Student's Scientific Society of the historical faculty has existed since 1936 and is the oldest in Ukraine. The main goal of the organization is to promote the development of students' scientific potential, comprehensive support of their creative and scientific activities. The society helps students organically combine study and research work, opens the way to inter-university, all-Ukrainian and international cooperation of young scientists. The Student's Scientific Society of the historical faculty enables historians to realize their creative and research potential in the field of their own scientific interests, to gain invaluable professional experience, to find new friends. The activity of the society allows the students of the faculty to take the first steps in the world of scientific research and contributes to the formation of the personality of the researcher.
A member of the society can be any student of the historical faculty who successfully studies, actively engages or wants to engage in scientific activities in various fields of historical science.
The Student's Scientific Society of the historical faculty holds several conferences every year: the Local Lore, “Karazinski chytannya”, and the Cyril and Methodius Readings. All conference materials make the basis for a professional collection of the Historical Faculty works called “Actual Problems of Home and World History: Scientific Works Collection” published by V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Members of the society are active participants in international conferences, numerous winners of contests, olympiads, receive scholarships and grants for study abroad.
Adress: 4 Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, 61022, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Scientific Society of Students, Post-Graduate Students, Graduate Students and Young Scientists of the Historical Faculty
Information Pages:
Curator of the Research Society of Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral Students and Young Scientists of the historical faculty:
Nyzhnikova Svitlana, teacher of the Department of History of Ukraine
Contacts: +380664451260
Head of the Student's Scientific Society of the historical faculty, Head of the Student`s Scientific Circle of Archeology Argunova Anna, 4th year studentPhone: +380663757119 E-mail: Facebook info page |
Deputy Head of the Student's Scientific Society of the historical faculty, Deputy Head of the Student`s Scientific Circle of Archeology Pavlyukova Polina, 3rd year student Phone: +3800950540614 E-mail: |
Deputy head of the Student's Scientific Society of the historical faculty on Information Work Kabarginа Varvara, 3nd year student Phone: +380955447639 E-mail: |
Secretary of the Student's Scientific Society of the historical faculty Tkachuk Svitlana, 4th year student Phone: +380958210163 E-mail: |
The Student`s Scientific Circle of the Department of the History of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages "AD FONTES!" Heads: Khyzhnyak Ihor,4th year student Phone: +380996465128 E-mail:
Phone: +380996297056 E-mail: |
The Student`s Scientific Circle of the Department of History of Ukraine Head:Vanina Maria, 5th year student Phone: +380683987008 E-mail: Facebook info page Instagram info page |
The Student`s Scientific Circle of historiography, source study and special historical disciplines Head: Trofimenko Iryna, 4th year student Phone: +380991968704 E-mail: Facebook info page Instagram info page |
The Student`s Scientific Circle of the Department of the History of Eastern Europe Head:Fedoriv Diana, 4th year student Phone: +380967277421 E-mail: Facebook info page
The Student`s Scientific Circle of Art history Head: Serikova Karina, 4th year student Phone: +380983868108 E-mail: Facebook info page |
The Student`s Scientific Circle of International Relations Head: Skrypnyk Myroslava, 4th year student Phone: +380984104125 E-mail: Facebook info page |
Head: Vashchenko Yuriy, 4th year student Phone: +380509229783 E-mail: Facebook info page |