On 4 October 2019 the project Jean Monnet Module “Infrastructure that have united Europe: Insights into the History, Recent Developments and Outlook for Capacities” 611665-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE has been launched at the Department of Modern and Recent History, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. The project coordinator Dmytro Mykolenko and lecturers Olena Mykolenko and Svitlana Strapchuk gave the presentation on Jean Monnet Module. The students were offered the first lecture of the course "Large-scale Infrastructure Projects of the Antiquity". Listeners had the opportunity to learn how ports, roads, aqueducts and bridges contributed to the formation of Western civilization. During the practical training, the project participants were asked to map on the outline map of Europe the most important infrastructure projects of Ancient Greece and Rome, which contributed to the economic, political and cultural consolidation of Europe. The students were also engaged in interesting interactive quiz Kahoot, which contribute to better understanding.
On 18 October 2019, the project "Infrastructure that have united Europe: Insights into the History, Recent Developments and Outlook for Capacities" 611665-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULEwas presented to school teachers of Kharkiv region that attend advanced training courses at V.N Karazin Kharkiv National University. Dmytro Mykolenko described the opportunities that Jean Monet Module opened, presented resources that provide open access to learning materials of the module, provided general information about infrastructure as a crucial factor in the development of Western civilization and the European Union.
On 30 October 2019 another presentation of Jean Monnet Module project 611665-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULEwas given to school teachers of Kharkiv region, who attend advanced training courses at the Academy for Continuing Education. Dmytro Mykolenko described the opportunities offered by the Jean Monnet Program, introduced the team that implement the project at School of History and School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business (Olena Mykolenko and Svitlana Strapchuk), as well as European experts (Magnus Willesson and Teodoritchka Gotovska-Hentze). Teachers were suggested open access to all the resources (didactic materials) of the module.
On 18-19 November 2019 module coordinator of the project 611665-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULEDmytro Mykolenko participated in the conference “30 Years Anniversary of Jean Monnet Activities” held in Brussels. The first part of the event was dedicated to the presentation of the projects supported by the European Commission in 2019, the second part opened the discussion about innovative teaching methods and digitization of education in secondary school as well as in higher education area.
On 26 November 2019, another presentation of the Jean Monnet Module project 611665-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULEwas delivered to teachers who attend advanced training courses at the Academy of Continuing Education. Coordinator of the project presented the advantages of Erasmus+ Jean Monet Module Program and described the perspectives on cooperation between secondary schools and V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.
On 26 November 2019 the coordinator presented the first results of the project implementation at the international conference "Historical and local lore studies: traditions and innovations" (Ukraine, Sumy). In addition, conference participants (academic staff, PhD students and students) got the information about the Erasmus+ Program, its opportunities, goals, objectives and expected results of the project "Infrastructure that have united Europe: Insights into the History, Recent Developments and Outlook for Capacities" 611665-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE, got acquainted with the available resources, materials of the course with open access. Dmytro Mykolenko also gave the lecture on infrastructure as a factor in the development of Western civilization and the European Union, identified the major infrastructure of the Antiquity, Middle Ages, New and Modern times.
On 13 December 2019, the last practical seminar of this semester took place. Successful participants of the course, who presented their ideas about Ukrainian major infrastructure projects fostering Ukrainian integration into the EU, got special certificates. The next stage of the project 611665-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULEis supposed to be implemented at the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business.
On October 31, 2019, the presentation of the Jean Monnet Module project "Infrastructure that united Europe: history, present and future" 611665-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULEwas held at the Warsaw University in the framework of the project «Innovative University and Leadership Phase V: Interdisciplinarity and intersectoral and development strategies of the University».
On May 25, 2020 All-Ukrainian student scientific online conference «Modern trends in hotel and restaurant business»was held at Karazin University at the Department of International E-Commerce and Hotel and Restaurant Business of the Faculty of International Economic Relations and Tourism Business, organized with the support of Erasmus + Jean Monet "Infrastructure that united Europe: history, present, future" (611665-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE). Detailed information on the link.
June 25, 2020, interactive lecture by Dr. Magnus Willesson from Linnaeus University (Sweden) "Financing Investment Projects" was held in the framework of the project "Infrastructure that have united Europe: Insights into the History, Recent Developments and Outlook for Capacities", 611665-EPP -1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE). Detailed information on the link.
June 29, 2020 interactive lecture by Dr. Teodorichka Gotovska-Henze from the Institute of Historical Research of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences "The formation of the Soviet bloc: the international context, internal influences (1945-1949)" was held in the framework of the project "Infrastructure that have united Europe: Insights into the History, Recent Developments and Outlook for Capacities", 611665-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE. Detailed information on the link.
On June 17, 2020, online presentation of student interdisciplinary projects "Infrastructure that united Europe: history, current status and outlook for the future in the framework of the projects "Infrastructure that have united Europe: Insights into the History, Recent Developments and Outlook for Capacities", 611665-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE and "Innovative University and Leadership - Interdisciplinarity and Interdisciplinary" was took place at Karazin University at the Faculty of International Economic Relations and Tourism Business with the participation of the Executive Committee of Kharkiv City Council and the International Foundation for Educational Policy Research". Detailed information on the link.
On 15–17 October 2020, the Jean Monnet module “Infrastructure that united Europe: history, current situation and future” 611665-EPP-1-2019-1-EN-EPPJMO-MODULE was presented during the event “Day Erasmus + 2020 at Karazin University as part of the global marathon dedicated to Erasmus + programs. Detailed information on the link.
On February 20, 2020, certificates were awarded to the participants of the Jean Monnet project module "Infrastructure that united Europe: history, current status and vision for the future" 611665-EPP-1-2019-1-EN-EPPJMO-MODULE
On February 25, 2021, the next stage of the Jean Monnet module project "Infrastructure that united Europe: history, current status and vision for the future" (611665-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE) started.Students of Karazin University, students from the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and the Dokuchaev Kharkiv National Agrarian University added to project. Detailed information on the link.
On May 27, 2021, the Faculty of International Economic Relations and Tourism Business of Karazin University hosted the All-Ukrainian Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Anti-Crisis Measures in Hotel and Restaurant Business and Infrastructural Development of Ukraine in Overcoming the Consequences of COVID-19". The event brought together more than 30 participants who presented reports on a variety of topics. The event was supported by Jean Monnet's module "Infrastructure that have united Europe: Insights into the History, Recent Developments and Outlook for Capacities" (611665-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE). Detailed information on the link.
On June 18, 2021, an international online round table "Infrastructure as a factor in the modernization of Central and Eastern Europe in the" long ХIX century" was held at the Faculty of History of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. This event was held within the framework of the Jean Monnet project module "Infrastructure that united Europe: history, current status and future" 611665-EPP-1-2019-1-EN-EPPJMO-MODULE together with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute study of Central and Eastern Europe in Kiev, the Center for Bulgarian Studies and Balkan Studies. M. Drinov V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Detailed information on the link.
On June 18, 2021, lecture «In the shadow of two European wars and one national uprising: the construction of a railway line in the Bulgarian lands (1869-1878)» by consultant of the Jean Monnet module project "Infrastructure that united Europe: history, the current state and a look into the future", associate Professor of the Institute of Historical Research of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Teodorichka Gotovska-Gentse was held at the Faculty of History of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Detailed information on the link.
Lecturer and project manager of the Monnet module "Infrastructure that united Europe: history, current status and future" 611665-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE Olena Mykolenko published his article as a part of project. Detailed information on the link.
Scientific researches of the participants of the International round table «Infrastructure as a factor in the modernization of Central and Eastern Europe in the «long nineteenth century» were published in the 14th volume of the «Drynovsky Sbirnyk». Round table was organized within the Jean Monnet project module "Infrastructure that united Europe : history, current state and look to the future »611665-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE. Detailed information on the link.